The Holy Qur’an Teaches Us
Proper Conduct
The Qur’an explains the principles of proper conduct and
recommends that we abide by them in order to achieve
happiness. Examples of good conduct that lead to worldly
happiness and bliss in the Hereaft er include: kindness to
parents, relatives and those in need; to help the stranded; to
not be wasteful; to keep one’s word; to be trustworthy; to stay
away from harmful behaviour; to not have one’s eye on the
wealth of orphans; and to not be a threat or harm to anyone’s
life or property. It commands love, respect, brotherhood,
equality and honesty. It also commands us to uphold justice, to
be charitable, to show solidarity, to not be divisive, to complete
every task in the best way possible and to be hard-working and
generous. To fear trespassing the limits set by Allah, to always
do good deeds, to keep one’s word and be honourable are codes
of conduct that are greatly emphasised in the Qur’an.
Th e safeguarding of justice is one of the principles that is most
emphasised in the Qur’an. Justice means to protect everyone’s
rights. Our Lord commands us to act justly to people irrespective
of their religion, language or race. It is because of this
warning that Muslims have lived in harmony with people of
diff erent nationalities and religions throughout their history.
Our ancestors never forced Christians and Jews under their
reign to change their faiths and always gave them the freedom
to practice their religion.
A person’s spiritual beauty comes from good conduct, as those of good character are also beautiful on the inside. Th e
best of mankind are those who believe and follow the path of
Allah and our Prophet (pbuh), and are of good character.
Th e Qur’an wishes us to stay away from bad habits such as
lying, fakeness, deception, selfi shness, looking down on others,
and uttering words of unkindness and ugliness. As a result, the
Qur’an teaches us the required codes of behaviour in order for
mankind to live in peace and happiness.
Mankind has wide-ranging responsibilities placed upon himranging
from those towards himself to those towards his Lord.
Th e responsibility towards our Creator is achieved through
worship, and the responsibility towards others is completed
through showing respect towards their rights.
burada ki yazılar bilgi amaçlıdır. yazarları tarafından istenildiği takdirde yayından kaldırılır. Ve varsa yanlışlıklar bildirildikten sonra en kısa zamanda düzeltilir
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