The Holy Qur’an Teaches Us to Love
The Qur’an commands that we love and respect our family
and parents because it is our parents who have brought us into
this world. Th is is the reason why we must show love and respect
to our parents, brothers and sisters.
Th e Qur’an commands that we love and get along with our
relatives. We should also love our neighbours and get along with them as well. We must help them and be there for them
in their hard times as we live in such close proximity to them.
We reduce their pain by sharing it and increase their happiness
by sharing it with them. Th e Qur’an wants us to love all people
irrespective of their race, colour, physical appearance or their
lineage because it is Allah who created them all.
No-one is superior over each other, however, superiority can
be achieved through not rebelling against Allah, by earning
His love, and being close to Him. It is in our hands to live
happily by loving each other. What has fi ghting and war ever
brought to mankind besides misery? Nothing is more precious
than human life. Our Great Book tells us that to save one life
is the like saving all of mankind and to kill one is the like
killing all of mankind. Th e Qur’an tells us to help the destitute,
stranded and homeless because it is our duty to be humane to
them. Th e Qur’an commands that we love all of creation-living
and non-living. We love the stars that shine at night, the moon,
the sun, the rain and the wind that plays with our hair. We
love the roaring rivers, colourful fl owers, daisies, butterfl ies
and the birds that chirp in the trees. Th ey remind us of our
Helper. Th ey remind us that the most valuable of all creation
are human beings.
We are commanded to love Allah, the One, who created us
in the best of forms, because everything in the world has been
created for us. We love our Lord who loves us very much. We
also love our Holy Book that teaches us knowledge and love.
We are told through the Qur’an that children should be loved.
Th ey are raised with love by their mothers and are always in
great need of love. Especially babies- it’s as if they’ve been
created just to be loved. Just as plants need soil and water
to live, so do children need love. Th is is the reason why the Qur’an tells us to give more love and ownership to motherless
children and orphans.
Children are sinless and pure when they are born. Th eir coming
is declared as good news in the Qur’an. Each one of them
is good news- good news from Allah! Th ey are a gift from our
Almighty Creator. Th e Qur’an refers to them as a source of
light for our eyes. A source of light for parents, grandparents
and everyone alike. According to the Qur’an, they are the decoration
of life itself. Th ey are a living example of the fi nest detail
of Allah’s art.
Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) loved children very much and
gave great importance to them. If he heard a child cry, he
would quickly fi nish his prayer to attend to them so that their
pain would not be prolonged. He would sit them on his lap and
say “Th ey are the fragrance of heaven!”. He could not tolerate
them being hurt. He especially could not tolerate the sadness
of orphans. He would place them on his back, play games and
joke around with them. He would greet them and ask them of
their well-being. He would hug, caress and kiss them, carry
them on his back and join in their games. He would deeply
feel their pain. It is through the example set by our Prophet
(pbuh) and the Qur’an that adults learned how to act towards
burada ki yazılar bilgi amaçlıdır. yazarları tarafından istenildiği takdirde yayından kaldırılır. Ve varsa yanlışlıklar bildirildikten sonra en kısa zamanda düzeltilir
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