A Garden of Roses from Fire
Mankind increased in numbers aft er Prophet Noah. Th ey
built new cities and started living in communities. As time
passed people started straying away from the right path that
the prophets had taught them and started doing wrong things
and worshipping others as Lords. Allah sent many prophets
to mankind to remind them of their great religion. Prophet
Abraham was one of those prophets. He was sent as a prophet
to the people of a city known as Babil, which partly belongs
to the Anatolian region of modern day Turkey.
Th ese people
worshipped the sun, the moon, the stars, and statues that they
had carved with their own hands.
One night before becoming a prophet, Abraham looked at
the stars and moon and thought, “How could it be that people
worship these as their Lord?”. Th e stars that twinkled in the
night and the moon that decorated the sky disappeared in the
light of day. “Th e sun and moon that appears and disappears
could not be my Lord”, he said. He was constantly in a state of
One day he woke up and watched the sunrise.
Th e sun was shining with all its beauty. He watched it the whole day. Th e sun started to slip away as night approached,
so Abraham thought this could not be the Lord of mankind.
He was fi nding it hard to understand people. Th ere had to
be an Almighty Creator who created everything; the sun, the
moon and the stars. He thought about it for days and in the
end believed in Allah as the Creator of the universe.
Prophet Abraham was of excellent character. He was kind,
generous, hospitable and loved looking aft er the poor. Just like
the prophets before him, Allah called him and his people to do
good works and to give up their bad ways.
Prophet Abraham’s father was an idol-worshipper. Th is situation
was most upsetting for Abraham. One day he said to his
father, “My dear father, why do you worship these statues that
cannot hear, see, or be of any benefi t to you? My dear father,
Allah is One, He has no partner and there is none like unto
Him.” His father reacted angrily to these words and threw him
out of his house as he said, “How could you deny our Lords?”
Despite his father’s brute behaviour Prophet Abraham prayed
to Allah to forgive his father and guide him to the right path.
Prophet Abraham did not give up and continued to tirelessly
explain to his people to only worship Allah and never to worship
Nemrut, the King of Babil, was a merciless person. People
stayed away from the call of Abraham through fear of him.
One day Abraham went to Nemrut to invite him to believe in
Allah. Nemrut said in a very self-conceited way: “I am the Lord
of this country, who is your Lord?” Prophet Abraham said,
“My Lord is Allah. He kills and resurrects.” In response to this
Nemrut asked that the two people who had been sentenced to death be brought forth to him. He ordered his soldiers to kill
one of the prisoners and to let the other go free.
He turned to
Prophet Abraham and said, “See? I too can kill and resurrect.”
Abraham replied, “My Lord raises the sun from the east. If
you have the power make it rise from the west.” Even though
Nemrut was lost for words he still refused to believe in Allah.
Th ere was a huge temple in the city of Babil where townfolk
would bring gift s to their idols and pray for their help. One
day Abraham secretly entered the temple when the people of
the town were besides themselves with entertainment at the
local fair. He broke each of the idols with an axe, except the
largest of the lot. He then hung the axe around the largest idol
and left the temple without being seen. Th e people of Babil
were horrifi ed in the face of what they saw when they returned
to the temple aft er the fair.
Th ey wondered as to who could
be responsible for what they saw. Th ey started to suspect
Prophet Abraham as they knew he did not believe in idols.
Th ey immediately called Abraham and asked him if he broke
the idols. Abraham replied, “Can it be the one with the axe
around its neck? Let’s ask it, maybe it saw who did it.” Th ey
were all astonished at his response and took one look at the
idol and another look at Abraham. One of them said, “Don’t
make fun of us Abraham. You know very well that they are
lifeless. It neither sees nor speaks, so how is it supposed to
know who did it?” In response to this Abraham said, “Th at’s
all very well but why do you worship idols that do not have
the ability to see, speak or protect themselves? Believe in the
Lord of the universe, Allah.” Th ese words profoundly aff ected
those at the temple. Word started to spread throughout the
town about the incident. Some gave up idolatry and started to believe in Allah.
Nemrut became very angry once he found
out about this.
He concluded that the only way to get rid of Abraham
was to kill him. He decided to throw him into fi re in order
to intimidate the believers. Th e collected fi rewood was piled
up like a mountain in the city square. Prophet Abraham
knew Allah would protect him. Nemrut glanced at Prophet
Abraham in the hope that his fear would make him give up his
belief. However Abraham stood straight and tall without even
the slightest fear or anxiety.
Th e people of the town circled
around the fi re. Abraham was then thrown in the middle of
the raging fl ames. Everyone held their breaths as they watched.
Th e fl ames instantly turned into a rose garden. While the
eyes of the believers shone with happiness, Nemrut and the
disbelievers nearly swallowed their tongues. Allah ordered
the fi re not to burn Abraham. Fire that burns everything else
became a cool rose garden for Abraham. Prophet Abraham
was deeply thankful to his Lord for His miracle.
Th e disbelievers lost the courage to harm Abraham aft er that
Prophet Abraham migrated to Egypt in order to call people
to Allah’s way. He had two sons, named Ishmael and Isaac.
Allah gave prophethood to both of them.
Prophet Abraham rebuilt the sacred Kaba on its original
foundation with his son Ishmael, which was fi rst constructed
by Prophet Adam.
Abraham and his son Ishmael are our prophets. Th eir lives
are best explained in the Holy Qur’an.
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