25 Eylül 2017 Pazartesi

Noah’s Ark

Noah’s Ark

Many years have passed since then. Th e human population increased right across the planet aft er Prophet Adam’s death. Th ey formed societies, and with time they steered away from the prophet’s path and worshipped idols. Th ey worshipped as Lords statues they had carved with their own hands. Th ey forgot that they were the children of Adam. Th e strong and wealthy started oppressing the weak and helpless. Th eir hearts hardened and they forgot to be merciful and do good works. In short, there was no peace and happiness left in society.

 Out of that community, Allah chose Noah for prophethood. Noah was a just and trustworthy person who was loved by all. He would help those in need as much as he could and was not afraid to speak the truth. Aft er becoming a prophet he called the people of the community he lived in to believe in Allah and to be His slave only. He told them that he was just a warner and that as long as they continued doing things that Allah was displeased with they would be deprived of peace and happiness. Not only did they not believe in his worthy call they also started making fun of Noah and those who followed him. Th ey said, “You’re human just like us, why should we believe you?”.

 Despite his incredible eff orts very few ended up believing in Allah. Th e rest of them continued to worship idols, committed wrongs and oppressed the weak. Th ose who refused to believe accused Noah with madness and did all they could do to prevent his call from being spread. Th ey pressured Noah and the believers and threatened them with death. He continued with patience to give good advice to his community. Th e hardened hearts of the leaders and the wealthy of the city did not soft en as they continued to stubbornly disbelieve. Noah opened his hands in prayer and said, “O Lord, they are falsifying my words, help me!”.

 Th e disbelievers challenged Prophet Noah, by saying “Let’s see the Lord that you seek help from punish us.” It was becoming impossible for Prophet Noah and the believers to endure the oppression they were under. As a result of this Prophet Noah prayed as follows: “O Lord, save me and the believers!”. Allah told Noah to build an ark.

 He then taught Prophet Noah how to build one as no-one had ever built one to that day. He built a huge ark from trees in the forest. Allah wanted Noah to call all the believers to the ark once it had been built. In additon, He commanded Noah to bring a pair of every animal onto the ark.

 Th e disbelievers were unaware of the soon to be evident disaster. Th e sky was fi lled with dark clouds and lightening the next day. Before long rain started to pour down from the sky. It rained nonstop. Everywhere was covered with water. Th e disbelievers ran towards the mountains, however this was Aft er days of deluge, the clouds dispersed and the rain stopped.

Th e sun generously spread its light on earth. Th e mountains and valleys were once again exposed as the water level slowly receded. Allah had saved a handful of people who had believed in him. It is for this reason that Noah, aft er Adam, is considered the second ancestor of mankind.

Noah is our prophet. He was the fi rst person to build a ship and his life is best explained in the Qur’an. not enough to save them. It rained so much that there was not an inch of soil left exposed. All the disbelievers who had made fun of Noah’s ark drowned.

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