25 Eylül 2017 Pazartesi

First Man, First Prophet

First Man, First Prophet

Allah fi rst created Adam and then Eve. He made them partners for each other and taught them each others’ name. He taught them how to learn and recognise all things. Adam was given the duty of prophethood. We are all the off - springs of the children of Adam and Eve who spread across different places on the face of the planet and spoke diff erent languages and formed diff erent races. Both black and white multiplied from Adam and Eve. Blondes and brunettes alike are all children of Adam and Eve. We all have one heart, two hands and feet despite the diff erences in the colour of our hair and eyes and the diff erent languages we all speak. Furthermore, we all have one brain. It is the Qur’an that teaches us all of these. If this information was not in the Qur’an we would not have known how we were created, how we multiplied, and why we spread across diff erent places on the planet. We know from the Qur’an that the whole planet has been created for the service of mankind.

Angels and spirits (demons) were created before Prophet Adam. When Allah told the angels that he was going to create humans they said to their Lord; “We are your slaves. We praise and glorify You. Th e truth is we fear that the humans you are going to create will cause bloodshed and disorder.” Allah said that He has knowledge of things they do not and then created Adam from mud and gave life to him.

Allah taught the names of all things to Adam, eg the sun, wind, soil, fl owers and birds. He taught him the names of absolutely everything created. Th e angels, however, were deprived of such knowledge. He made Adam and his off spring superior to the rest of creation.

Allah asked Adam to name the names of all creatures. When Prophet Adam did so, with the order of Allah, all the angels prostrated in acceptance of his superiority over themselves. It was only Satan who disobeyed Allah’s command and refused to accept Adam’s superiority over himself. Satan said Adam was inferior to him since Adam was created from mud and he was created from fi re. He rebelled against Allah by claiming superiority over Adam. Both fi re and mud are created by Allah; how could fi re then be more superior to mud? Adam was not more superior because he was created from mud, but was more superior because he was given the gift s of intelligence and will.

Allah cursed the rebelling and boasting Satan till Judgement Day and gave him respite till the Day of Resurrection. Instead of apologising for his mistake he stubbornly continued to rebel against Allah. He vowed to do everything in his power to prevent mankind from doing any form of good work. Th us he is the enemy of all things that are good and beautiful.

Allah created Eve aft er Adam and made her his partner. He then put the two of them in heaven. He forbade them to eat the fruit of a certain tree in heaven. Moreover, He warned them to stay away from Satan as he is the enemy of mankind.

Satan fooled them into believing they would be immortalised if they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree. Adam and Eve realised they had done something terribly wrong and regretted it. Because they had been tricked by Satan they were afraid that they too would spend eternity in hell. Allah forgave them by accepting their repetence and brought them down to earth. In this way the beginning of mankind’s life on earth began.

Adam and Eve wished for children so Allah gave them many male and female off springs, and in this way the number of humans multilplied. Adam was a prophet to his children and Allah protected him from the tricks of Satan.

Of the children of Adam Abel and Cain made a vow to make a sacrifi ce to Allah. Abel’s vow was accepted whereas Cain’s was not. Satan fi lled Cain’s heart with hate and jealousy towards his brother. In the end Cain murdered his brother. It was the fi rst time blood was spilt on the face of the Earth. Satan was very happy about the murder committed. Cain didn’t know what to do with his brother’s corpse.

Prophet Adam was the fi rst human created and is consequently the ancestor of all mankind. He was the fi rst to wear clothes, plough and sow the fi eld and taught his children what he knew. He advised them to be good people who do good works and greet others with the Islamic greeting (selam). Prophet Adam is our fi rst prophet and his life is best explained in the Qur’an.

While in this state of confusion he saw a crow dig a hole with its feet and bury a dead crow. It dawned on Cain that he could do the same.
 He dug a hole in the ground and buried his brother. Since that day all dead people have been buried in the same way. Prophet Adam eventually died and he too was buried.

Prophet Adam was the fi rst human created and is consequently the ancestor of all mankind. He was the fi rst to wear clothes, plough and sow the fi eld and taught his children what he knew.

 He advised them to be good people who do good works and greet others with the Islamic greeting (selam). Prophet Adam is our fi rst prophet and his life is best explained in the Qur’an.

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