24 Eylül 2017 Pazar



I’m a little spider. Don’t be so quick to squirm. I know a lot of you don’t particularly like my appearance, in fact a lot of you are scared of me. However, do not forget that nothing is created in vain. Allah mentions me in the Qur’an and Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) named the 29th chapter aft er me Ankabut (Th e Spider) with Allah’s permission. Let me briefl y explain this chapter to you.

Chapter Ankabut (Th e Spider) has 69 verses. Among the main topics covered in this chapter are belief in Allah, the importance of obedience to parents, the tragic end of those who do wrong, and the rewarding end of those who believe and do good works. Furthermore, the chapter emphasises the fact that the 5 daily ritual prayers are a hindrance to wrongdoing, that belief in Allah is a major form of worship, and that people forget to remember and pray to Allah when their lives are comfortable. Th e fact that every living thing will eventually die, that lying is a vey ugly act and that everyone will be accountable for their own deeds is also mentioned. It is again in this chapter that the stories of Prophets Noah, Abraham, Lot, Shu’- aib and Hud are mentioned.

Now let’s come to the relevance between this chapter and me. Th is chapter takes its name from verse 41 which likens a spider web to the weakness of false belief and values in the face of truth. Ankabut means female spider. Female spiders kill their mates aft er spinning their web. Flies and insects that come in contact with the web fall into this trap; the thickness of an individual thread is stronger than that of steel of similar thickness.

Most people don’t realise we make mathematical and geometric calculations of the place where we plan to weave our web. Th e web we spin is our bed, our means of communication, our warning system, as well as our protection. Even though our web is strong enough for us, its weakness is a reality known by all. Our webs provide no protection or shade- it only takes a slight wind or a light touch to ruin it.

Well you see, the fact that certain incidents are mentioned, the types of messages contained in the chapter, and the fact that it revolves around these similarities is the reason why the symbol of the spider is accepted for the chapter. Just as the web is weak in nature, so is the situaton of those who rely on the help and support of those other than Allah. Most people consider actual strength and power to be in certain things. Majority of people accept status and wealth to be the most important form of strength. Th ey devote their lives to this end, while others devote their lives in the name of useless knowledge. Some consider violence above all else, when in fact they should realise that actual strength is in the One who created them.

Allah likens the situation of these people to that of the fragility of a web in the face of a slight touch or blow. Actual strength and power is in Allah’s friendship. No matter how seemingly powerful things other than Allah may seem, their worth is that of a spider’s web in Allah’s sight. Do they not know that Allah used a mosquito to put an end to King Nemrut and even fooled those who came armed to the cave where Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) hid by putting a web at the entrance of the cave and prevented them from killling him. Actually they know it all too well, but it would not serve their purpose to admit it.

Actually while I’m at it, let me share a particular incident with you that makes me most happy. I am the spider that was given the all-important task of weaving the web at the entrance of the cave where Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), and his companion Abu Bakr, hid while they were making the sacred migration from Mecca to Medinah. A cause of even greater happiness is the fact that I saw the glowing face of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

 They were the happiest 3 days of my life. Th is is indeed a source of much happiness for me! You also will be able to overcome all diffi culties if you only trust in and rely on Allah’s strength. Seek refuge only in Almighty Allah as there is no helper and true friend other than Him.

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