23 Eylül 2017 Cumartesi

The Holy Qur’an Teaches Us How to Worship

The Holy Qur’an Teaches Us How to Worship

The Qur’an commands us to worship Allah and teaches us the principles of worship. However we learn how to read and understand the Qur’an and the mechanics of how to pray and worship through the example of our Prophet (pbuh). He achieved this through being a living example. Moreover we not only learn how to worship from him but we also learn all the other principles of our religion. His life and character are the best examples for us. Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) said, “Do your 5 daily prayers as I do, perform your Haj (pilgrimage) duty as I do.” Th e 5 daily ritual prayers are part of our daily worship. It maintains our ties with our great Lord. Th is ritual prayer is in every way a means of cleanliness. We cleanse our bodies by doing the required ritual wash (ablution). A person who turns his face towards the Kaba 5 times a day would be protected from all types of wrongs. Ramadan fasting is obligatory once a year. Th ere are many physical and spiritual benefi ts of fasting. Almsgiving is a type of worship that is also material in nature. Well-off Muslims give a particular portion of their income once a year to those less well-off than themselves. Th is teaches individuals to share and to provide the necessary social networking to look aft er those less well-off in society. Th e Haj worship is also obligatory upon all well-off Muslims. It is a once in a lifetime worship that is a must for those who have enough wealth to visit Mecca, the city in which our Prophet (pbuh) was born, and the surrounding sacred sites within defi ned codes of conduct. Muslims from around the globe, of all diff erent languages and colours come together with the aim of worshipping Allah. Every act of kindness, good thoughts and helping those in need are also forms of worship. To water a thirsty plant, to feed a hungry cat, to bandage a bird’s broken wing are all considered acts of worship. Th is is because when we show aff ection to other creatures and act kindly towards them we do so without expecting anything in return. All creatures are created by Allah and we love the created as an expression of our love for the Creator. All types of worship brings us closer to Allah. Humans are made up of a body and soul. Just as our bodies need food, water and sleep so does the soul have needs of its own. We meet the needs of our souls through worship. By doing so, we will have performed our duty towards Allah as well as nourishing our souls. Worship strengthens our belief, heightens our souls and implants the love of Allah in our hearts.

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