23 Eylül 2017 Cumartesi

The Holy Qur’an Teaches Us the Principles of Faith

The Holy Qur’an Teaches Us the Principles of Faith

The most important call of the Qur’an is that of belief. It teaches us what to believe in within this framework. Th e most important of these is the belief in Allah and His Oneness, followed by belief in His Angels, Books, Prophets, the Hereaft er and Predestination. Th ese all depend on believing in Allah. Th e Qur’an invites mankind to Islam. It explains the rewards for those that believe and the dire consequences for those that do not. Th ere are examples of incidents connected to these from the past in the Qur’an. Th e Qur’an gives the greatest importance to the belief in one God (monotheism). Th at is, to believe in Allah and His Oneness, to know Allah and to not worship any other form of power. Th ose who accept Islamic monotheism should not worship idols or seek their help. Besides it would not suit an intelligent person to worship and seek help from lifeless pieces of rock. Only the uninformed and ignorant would do such a thing. Th ose who know Allah properly are the ones who are able to better comprehend Allah’s commandments. Because our Book gives such great importance to monotheism we could say that this is at the very heart of the Qur’an. If one acts in ways that damages their belief in the Oneness of Allah then great harm will come to them from this. Th is would be very similar to the eventual death of a person whose heart has stopped- so too would a weakened belief lead to its eventual loss. We must refl ect our belief with our words and actions; we must steer away from bad habits and all things unlawful. We can prove this by doing good works. Every good deed is counted as virtuous acts. Once a person puts his or her belief into practice he or she will lean towards good acts and stay away from harmful ones. Th is is a natural consequence of belief. Th is is because a believing person would make a special eff ort to live within the measures outlined in the Qur’an. Th is would naturally make that person a sensitive Muslim who would be loved by all, one that would make him or her do good and stay away from doing wrong. Th e Qur’an tells about the temporary nature of worldly life, resurrection aft er death, and how we are accountable for our actions in the Hereaft er. Th ere are many warnings in this regard. Endless blessings are promised to those who live their lives in accordance with the commandments of Allah. We learn about the temporary nature of the life of this world and the endless nature of the Hereaft er. Every person will be given the like of what they earned in their wordly life. Th is is the reason why the Qur’an constantly reminds us of the Hereaft er.

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